Voxbi and Odoo CRM Integration streamlines your workflows.

odoo voxbi integration

In today’s fast-paced world, companies constantly strive to provide the best experience for their audience. Customers expect seamless communication and adequate response to their queries or problems. So, businesses need enhanced solutions that are compatible and can be managed easily. Once connected, the companies can use these tools as integral parts of one ecosystem, improving teams’ efficiency and customer service.

Modern organizations work with multiple applications, promising to optimize their workflows. However, they often overlap in terms of functionalities and information they provide. Managers feel overwhelmed trying to keep up with the latest trends in communication, collaboration, or customer support tools and the need to increase employees’ efficiency by giving them the right apps and programs. 

So which applications are necessary, which can be dropped out, and which can be integrated? Many solutions are industry specific, and you should individually evaluate whether to implement them. Yet, the phone system and the CRM program are essential for any business. If you wonder how to make the most of both tools, the answer is – integration.

The article below shares our experience integrating Voxbi, your cloud-based phone system, and Odoo, the CRM program. Learn how the integration works and helps teams to be more productive.

Contact us to check if Voxbi can be integrated with your CRM system!

What is Voxbi?

Voxbi is a cloud-based phone system with enhanced communication and collaboration features. It is a telephony solution designed to adapt to fast-changing business needs. With its help, you can offer your clients, employees, and partners great phone service and an excellent calling experience. Voxbi’s capabilities go beyond a standard telephone system, which allows integrations with third-party applications and programs.

What is Odoo?

Odoo CRM is a customer relationship management system helping companies of all sizes organize their sales workflow better. That is an enhanced tool that tracks all interactions with customers throughout their entire buyer journey. It enables teams to sell faster and more successfully while having a real-time overview of the whole business process.

Voxbi and Odoo Integration – bring enterprise calling features into your CRM


Integrating your Voxbi phone system with the Odoo Module lets you access all your call and contact information on both platforms. It is a first step towards call automation, saving precious time for your sales or support teams and boosting customer satisfaction.

Top five features of Voxbi and Odoo integration that empower your team

Incoming call notification 

Sales and support agents can receive incoming call alerts while working in Odoo. Caller’s details are displayed, as well as valuable Odoo CRM data. They can answer immediately to the call right from the CRM platform.

Pop-up customer profile

When the user receives an inbound call, Odoo automatically opens the customer file. So, the agent has instant access to the caller’s details at a glance before taking the call. That helps them to be well-prepared and better serve their clients or prospects.

Add a description to a call.


The sales or support agent can add a detailed description of the conversation when the call ends. Once the information is saved, it appears in the Voxbi list along with other call data like the duration of the call, who is handling it, and caller status. 

Sync your contacts

All contacts of the Voxbi phone system and Odoo CRM can be synced. With the contacts sync option, you can have your PBX phonebook accessible in your CRM with contact data always up to date and ready to be used. 


Place a call by clicking on the phone number from the Odoo customer file. The click-to-call feature enables you to maximize call volume while minimizing misdialing. You have more time to focus on clients and, respectively, to close more deals. 

Choose the pricing plan that best suits your needs!

Benefits of Voxbi phone and Odoo suite integration


Track all your customer interactions and collect call data in one place.  

Integration of your business phone system Voxbi and Odoo ensures that phone conversations are logged and tracked from your CRM platform. At a glance, sales reps or customer teams access all call information.

Enhance your customer experience.

When you receive or place a call, the contact details and notes on previous interactions with that client automatically pop up. Thus support and sales reps know how to personalize conversations with customers or prospects and enhance their calling experience before they are connected.

Odoo and Voxbi integration elevates the callers’ experience by helping them always reach the right contact person. When the support rep receives an inbound call, the agent can quickly direct it to the most appropriate employee based on the caller’s CRM file. It is helpful for companies with multiple locations where more than one person handles clients’ accounts. 

Your team can easily access all real-time CRM data from anywhere.

Connecting your phone to your CRM lets agents know who is calling before they answer the call and record and collect data afterward. They can view and use real-time CRM and phone data on multiple devices. That gives them the flexibility to professionally handle each call regardless of the location, as they can access relevant information whenever and wherever needed.

Streamline your teams’ efficiency and productivity.

CRM and phone system integration help teams to be more productive. Agents should not juggle different programs and switch devices to access customer data as it is all in one place. It saves precious time when searching for callers’ details so they can focus on other tasks – selling your products or serving better clients. 

The click-to-call feature helps support and sales reps to reduce their dialing time. It enables them to initiate calls and create queues with a single click, boosting their efficiency and elevating their performance.

Costs optimization and better return on investment

crm phone system integration

Voxbi – Odoo integration saves companies time, money, and resources, providing a powerful solution for teams to handle their sales and support calls. Instead of constantly investing in new tools, uniting compatible systems is the more cost-efficient way to enhance customer experience. 

Connecting your phone system to the CRM platform helps you align the sales and customer services teams with your core business goal – increased profitability. It is achieved through more satisfied and loyal customers and more productive workers.

Companies constantly search for solutions that help them improve their efficiency, reduce costs and stay ahead of the competition. Technology advances today to allow them to be more efficient using fewer resources. Connecting call data to your CRM gives you a valuable advantage by building more meaningful customer relations and showing better sales performance. 

Voxbi is a reliable, secure, and efficient telephony solution that suits your business communication needs. Its integration with Odoo CRM powers your sales team with enhanced calling features. Also, your support team better handles all inbound and outbound calls, streamlining customer satisfaction and directly affecting your bottom line.

Contact us to benefit from the integration between Voxbi and your CRM program! 

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