Business phone system

Collaborate from anywhere

Business phone system

Collaborate from anywhere

Great conversation starts with the right tool

  • Phone status
    See if a person is available, on a call, or on DND. You can launch a call directly from the dashboard
  • Presence status
    In a click, let your colleagues know if you are at your desk, in the office, or away
  • Smart call routing
    Incoming calls are redirected and dispatched according to the real-time status of your users, to the most qualified and available to take the call

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powerful collaboration tool
all-around phone system

Voxbi – The all-around phone system

  • From keeping your existing phones to moving to a 100% web-based ecosystem, all solutions are possible and interchangeable
  • Multi-brand
    Voxbi is compatible with a wide range of IP phone brands
  • Plug & play thanks to zero-touch provisioning
    Easily manage and upgrade both your new and legacy VoIP devices

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Simplify your HR management

  • Badge easily from anywhere
  • Multi-device: mobile, PC, clocking terminal
  • Real-time synchronization with the telephone exchange
  • Automated calculation of working time, holidays, overtime, illness, etc…
  • CSV and Excel exports
  • Integration into salary software

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HR suite
Microsoft teams integration

Microsoft Teams integration

  • Place calls to external phone numbers using Teams
    Choose the device, like Teams client on desktop, mobile, or tablet, from which you want to pick up a call
  • Dial by extension
    Dial a person’s numerical extension to reach them faster
  • Multi-vendor compatibility
    Keep your existing telephony solutions and integrate them seamlessly with your Office 365 and Teams environment

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See everything our business phone system has to offer

Integrate with your systems

No more app switching: it’s directly integrated with the tools you need to get the job done.

Your CRM is not listed? Contact us

Why Mixvoip?


Our Cloud PBX solution has been developed in-house and continuously improved since 2008. This allows us
to provide highly customizable solutions and be reactive.

No third parties are involved.

5-star support
local, in-house, and multilingual

Our team of local engineers and technicians perform the support. They are tech-savvy and
reachable by many means.

Cherry on the cake, they speak 5 languages.

No long term

After 6 months, contracts are terminable monthly. No need to bind you with a 24-month contract. We prefer strong relationships, based on trust.

This is why 98.86% of our clients stay with us.

Let us help