Why I chose to blog in 2022

It is 2022 and I want to start a personal blog to share my mistakes and the lessons that I’ve learned from them. I prefer to try, move fast and find out fast.

starlink app

Full-scale Starlink test at Kings of Leon concert

Mixvoip tested Starlink at a Kings of Leon concert in Luxembourg. Every word you say in a VoIP call is sent via a dish to the nearest satellite in space and back to earth. So how would Starlink complete this task?

Smiling call center employees

Top 5 benefits of smart call routing for your business

Do you want to improve your customers retainment rate, have call agents who can manage increased call volumes with ease and optimize your communications costs? Use the smart call routing feature of your cloud phone system. Find out what are its top 5 benefits for your company.


What is fixed-mobile convergence and how your company benefits from it?

Businesses today apply various sustainable practices technology-wise that are cost-effective and reliable. They believe the optimization of the applied tech solutions will give them a strong competitive advantage and take them ahead of the curve. Fixed-mobile convergence is one these soluitions.

woman programming

International Girls in ICT Day

This year on the 28th of April, we celebrate the International Girls In ICT Day. That special day is dedicated to a global movement, whose purpose is to draw more attention to the constantly rising need for more girls and women involved in the ICT sector. In focus for 2022 are access and safety.

video call business

What is the real impact of video conferences on the new work environment?

Two years ago, face-to-face meetings were the set standard for effective teamwork in companies of any size. Today, as virtual workspaces are becoming the new normal, video conferences take the central spot for handling remote teams and global customers. Find out what is the real impact of this communication tool.


Presence and phone status for a better calling experience

Knowing your colleagues’ phone and presence status means knowing their availability to handle calls and answer customer queries in real-time. Using such a feature streamlines internal and external communications and supports better collaboration. Find out what real-staus options are accessible via your phone system and how you can benefit.